
Real Estate Custom Websites for Agents

Property Listings & IDX Solution

Creative & Professional Designs

What do you do when you want to buy something?

The first thought that comes to a person’s mind is always to search it online. It comes to us almost naturally. Now imagine if someone wants to buy a house, what would he do? If you think he would search for pro agent websites, you, my friend, are already halfway there.

You know how essential it is to have a digital presence in this world. Now that you know this, it’s time to get one such website for yourself.

You can hire us to create a custom real estate agent website for you. It will have a creative look and a design that is unique to you.

Powerful IDX

If you are selling cosmetic, authentic makeup products will get you more attention. Similarly, for real estate websites for agents, it is crucial to have trusted listings. These listings can be hosted and linked to your website, but that would mean the customer leaves your website in the process. To remove this barrier, we host the listings on your website through IDX extensions.

Custom luxury real estate agent websites are ones that allow users advanced searches. This includes searching through listing ID, name, and even selecting (drawing) an area on a map. This will give all properties in the vicinity. A powerful IDX enables saved searches through which users can look back to the results from before. A step further to it is the option to favorite a property. This lets the user browse again whenever he wants and get alerts like open houses related to the property. IDX also provides mortgage and cost estimators facilitating the users the most.

Responsive Agent Websites

Not everyone logs onto their laptops or PCs to do a quick Web Search. They do so through their phones or tablets. We need to cater to the entire audience if we are to make an impact. To do this one, of the main features of your website needs is being fully responsive. This means that the website is available in all its glory for all the machines it is accessed from.

We, at Oley.io, create such websites. Our websites are inherently responsive and can be browsed through any device. This ensures that you don’t miss a part of your audience that prefers a device over another.

Realtor agent websites with easy accessibility attract everyone. When you see the magic we do, even you will be hooked.

Lead forms & Analytics

The basis of any business model lies in the customers. It is them that you wish to keep satisfied and in touch. The Customer Relationship Management tells every business owner to keep track of their customers. For this purpose, we add lead forms to your website. Through these, the customers can leave their contact details, and they are now a lead. You can use those details to stay in touch with them and ping them whenever a property similar to what they like becomes available.

A quality real estate agent website always performs analytics. The purpose of such analysis is to know more about the client to help you understand what could make the deal successful for you.

Excellent Customer Support

It’s not just about business with us. We care about our clients and do everything in our capacity to ensure they have a smooth experience. We are aware of how people don’t really know much about website development. We thus provide complete support throughout the process.

From day one, we have sessions with our clients. These sessions are a way to know about our client and their business. We use this information to create a unique website for each of our clients, which shows more about the client. The website we build is really a real estate agent personal website. It relates to every little detail about the client.

WordPress Content Management

Many platforms can be used to create a website. We chose the most used and versatile Content Management System (CMS). To break it down for you, CMS is a type of website display where you can have listings and content together. It allows access for multiple users for editing and writing rights.

The custom in the custom real estate agent website is what makes the use of WordPress justified. WordPress is the king when it comes to customization. It provides the best plugins and a platform to build more from scratch or already created plugins. It has a graphical dashboard that is easy to navigate for everyone. This is why we use it to deliver pro agent websites while making it easier for the client to access.

SEO Friendly

There is no way you hear about a website without the mention of SEO.

A website can be found if it is optimized well for the search engines to find. What does it mean? It means that you need such tricks to ensure that when a person searches for realtor agent websites, he sees your website in the top searches. Only the top searches are noticed, and the rest don’t matter.

But we want you to matter. This is why our services include search engine optimization. Our in-house team is experienced with the real estate market and knows what to write to attract people, and our website design is there to keep them hooked.

Website Security

Any website that collects sensitive information should have enough security to build customer confidence. Would you enter your house and contact details on a website that you know is insecure? You wouldn’t, and that’s normal.

Users usually look for a green padlock or HTTPS in the URL to deem the website as secure.

We ensure to get the right digital certificates for your website to be called secure. Website designs for real estate agents need to be safe and end-to-end encrypted to allow for the safe transfer of data. We provide that security for your real estate agent website as well. Get on-board!

Powerful Blog

There are many ways to have strong SEO enabled on your websites. Out of all those ways, the best is an informative blog. It is the best since it is organic. All the other ways will allow you to gain traffic almost instantly but are very inefficient in the longer run.

An informative blog with quality content takes a little effort to set up. But once it is up and running, it draws a lot more traffic. The content in the blog gets people to your real estate agent website. Once there, they can navigate to listings and to a lead form.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you choose Oley.IO?

Now we know we are inclined to say that we are the best but let’s look at it logically. Have you heard of many agencies that create custom luxury real estate agent websites only? You wouldn’t have. There aren’t many agencies working in a specific domain. They have a lot on their plate, and that causes the loss of focus for each.

We create a website design for real estate agents only. The specific field allows us to know more about the culture here and the trends. We know about how real estate agent personal websites are viewed and based on what they are ranked. We know how to make a brand out of a new agent in the market. You just have to put your trust in us.

Do you recommend any IDX provider?

We definitely recommend our partner, the IDX Broker. The recommendation isn’t because they are our partners. It is due to the exceptional features they offer. One thing that we feel is commendable is their smooth API Service. It is almost ready for integration.

It has features allowing you to get a value estimate for your home right at the website. Along with this, a mortgage calculator is available just in case someone wants to get it and estimate the returns.

The search provided by IDX Broker is what really makes it stand out. It allows users to search by drawing a boundary around an area and give listings for that area. Wouldn’t you recommend it too then?

How long will it take to complete the website?

The custom real estate agent website is a simple process. It requires you to specify what kind of real estate website design like pro agent websites you want. Once you tell us that, we quote the estimate of the cost for the completed website. Commonly, it takes around 2-3 weeks to complete a website along with the deployment but, it can increase with the increasing features.

For a website with more complex features, the duration will increase. But you will always have the option to get it done earlier by paying a little extra for the resources we will put into your project for quicker completion.

Is there a monthly fee I need to pay?

As explained, you will be given just one invoice for your website. This cost is shared with you while signing the contract.

These are the only charges you need to pay. We don’t believe conning people into paying hidden charges is the way to succeed in business. We try to keep our structure as transparent as possible.

For a monthly fee, there are services you can ask for. We provide SEO and maintenance on monthly, annual, and bi-annual payments. You can get information about it through our representative. But remember you are never forced to take such services.

Will I be able to make changes in my website by myself?

Having a real estate agent’s personal website would be useless if you cannot make changes. We help you through this process too. Firstly, the platform we chose for the website development was to ensure user-friendliness, and you can edit the website as per your needs once it is handed over.

We hand over the core files to the client while releasing the developed website. Almost no one gives those files, but we believe it is the client’s property and should remain with them. Through those files, if you can understand, you can make even more changes to your website.

Will you give me training once my website is launched?

Not everyone knows how to handle a website, and that is understandable. Due to this reason, we provide our clients with documentation and tutorials to understand the platform and website monitoring better. This can help them gain a better perspective of their website.

Our custom package includes a special one-to-one session with our expert. You can ask him questions. and he will walk you through the details. Don’t worry if you haven’t chosen the custom package. You can get this service for just $50 only along with your package fee.

Do you provide real estate website maintenance?

Creating a website and maintaining it goes hand in hand. We thus provide the services for maintenance too. They come in packages that require monthly, yearly, or any package the client chooses.

Our goal is to help out the business as much as possible. We create realtor agent websites on an easily manageable platform. On top of this, we offer maintenance services to allow you to have a resource allocated for website issues and updates.

Will you optimize my website for Search Engines like Google?

That is precisely one of the features that come with our website. The created website designs for real estate agents are optimized for all top Search Engines and ensures high ranks on search engines. This enables your website to be seen on the first page whenever a user searches for pro agent websites.

Our team is specialized in learning the trends related to custom real estate agent website. They know the right keywords to use to get more traffic directed towards your webpage.

What about the domain name and hosting service?

This has been identified as one of the major concerns for real estate websites for agents. The problem is that choosing the right domain name can have favorable effects on your overall traffic. We thus suggest domain names along with custom luxury real estate agent websites. It’s like a package that is definitely hard to ignore.

Along with that, we provide discount vouchers for hosting services. It is a big problem to get a cheap and reliable hosting service for website designs for real estate agents. Through our contacts, we ensure you don’t have to go through any such trouble. Are you scheduling a meeting with us already? If not, why do you not want to grow?